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Utility and metal waste reception in Ростове-на-Дону
Империя, ООО
Utility and metal waste reception, Receiving plastic wastes, Waste paper receiving, Waste disposal and secondary raw materials
phone: +7-960-455-64-
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Прием макулатуры и металлолома
Utility and metal waste reception, Steel structures, Waste paper receiving
phone: +7 (863) 260-69-
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Добрый Лом, прием металлолома
Utility and metal waste reception, Demolition works
phone: +7 (863) 279-71-
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СтилКо, ООО
Utility and metal waste reception, Waste disposal and secondary raw materials
phone: +7 (863) 283-13-
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Проба-ДМ, ЗАО, специализированное производственное предприятие
Utility and metal waste reception, Waste disposal and secondary raw materials
2102650830, 2085412358, 1153749391, 386689045, 180935791