Looking for Therapist for alcohol or drug abusers in Ростове-на-Дону?
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Therapist for alcohol or drug abusers in Ростове-на-Дону
Пробуждение, клиника лечения алкоголизма в Ростове-на-Дону
Therapist for alcohol or drug abusers, Addiction treatment, Recovery centers
phone: +7 (863) 309-01-
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Частный медик 24, частная наркологическая клиника
Therapist for alcohol or drug abusers, Addiction treatment
phone: +7-961-291-03-
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Выздоровление, наркологический медицинский центр
Therapist for alcohol or drug abusers, Addiction treatment, Recovery centers
phone: +7 (863) 309-03-
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Наркологический центр доктора Марыныч
Therapist for alcohol or drug abusers, Addiction treatment, Recovery centers
phone: +7-928-613-11-
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2167474469, 2347216826, 2171930739, 2161776500